Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The reasons for stalemate on the Western Front Essay Example for Free

The reasons for stalemate on the Western Front Essay WW1 started as a war of quick lightning thrusts and high mobility, but degenerated into an astonishingly protracted war of static battle lines. The Western Front was the name given to the line of trenches stretching from the Belgium coast to Verdun. Following the Battle of Marne and Aisne of 1914, both sides dug in believing trenches to be temporary. The Front stretched for hundreds of miles, meshed with complex trench systems and barbed wire. Why Stalemate The military plans (Schlieffen, XVII) had established a strict war by timetable. However, aside from the quick mobilisation of nations, the plans failed. They were proved to be useless as modern warfare removed the momentum from conflict. A poverty of strategic thought led to the stalemate. Both the British and French commanders were afflicted by the cult of the offensive. French generals Joffre and Nivelle were obsessed with the philosophy of esprit de corps mass infantry charges (a reluctance to charge was linked to defeatism). The British generals shared this outlook, as is superlatively demonstrated by Haigs Big Push. The aim to engage the enemy and bleed them proved successful in the end, however it needed time over years to prove so. The supremacy of defence due to technology helped prolong the war. WW1 was the first total war- a conflict between highly industrialized economies and militaries. Factories churned out ammunition; mass shells and people from both sides were conscripted. Barbed wire, machine guns, gas and rifles held out enemy advances. The absence of super weapons such as the tank and bomber were not yet developed and thus failed to counter these defensive tactics. The ability of the machine gun was equivalent to half a company of riflemen. Thus, sides were able to repel the enemy with relative ease. The Somme illuminates the verity of the artilleries misjudgements. A massive  8-day bombardment of the Germans did very little, with 1/3 of the shells failing to explode. This also suggests the effectiveness of dugouts. The German dugouts were up to 8 metres deep, thus very few shells hit the troops. Technology of mass transit systems also prolonged the war. Railroads and roads were used to bring ammunition and troops quickly to the front, to restock losses. Added to the unwillingness of generals to follow up on small victories, this led to neither side being outweighed by the other. Attempts to break the stalemate Both sides attempted to end the war quickly, however many of these strategies did the opposite. The development of tanks, gas and aerial support all served the purpose of shortening the war. Both the Battle of the Somme and Verdun represent the respective mass pushes to topple the enemy. However the Somme was left unchecked despite the huge casualties. Generals were set to sacrifice troops, and time for eventual strategic victory. The 1917 Battle of Cambrai also illustrates the successful use of the tank to mobilise the war. Entente tanks pushed through the German lines, giving an indication of how future battles would be fought. Total war- the attempt of both sides to sink all efforts to the waging of war, was for the purposes of breaking the stalemate. Troops were conscripted en masse, while an economic war was being fought. The naval blockades helped starve the enemy.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Olympics :: essays research papers

Olympic Games were held throughout Ancient Greece, but the most famous games were the games held in Olympia. They were held between August and September in honor of Zeus. Some claim that Zeus and Kronos the mightiest of the gods, wrestled for possession of the earth on the high peaks in Greece, and the games were in commemoration of the victory of Zeus. People all throughout Greece would come to Olympia to watch and take place in the festival. The entrance to the stadium in which the Olympic games were held had a row of statues. The statues, called Zanes were made in the likeness of the â€Å" Zeus of Oaths† statue. On the first day of the games the athletes stood before this heroic- sized statue of Zeus poised to throw a thunderbolt, and promised to obey â€Å"the laws of Zeus†. The money to create such human like statues was collected from the fines from athletes who violated the Olympic code of honor in competition. The â€Å"Zanes† were erected so that they were almost the last things the athletes saw as they marched into the stadium to take part in the games. The temple of Zeus was constructed as a meeting point for the athletes of the Olympic games. They all gathered to worship Zeus before the games. On the middle day of the Olympics, 100 oxen were sacrificed and burned outside the temple. Now a day we offer no sacrifices to Zeus. The stadium was built to accommodate 45,000 spectators. All women were excluded from the early Olympic Games, even as on lookers. The punishment for any woman caught in Olympia during the festival was death by being thrown from a cliff. However, Pausanius wrote about a story of one incident that transpired when a mother ran out of the stadium to congratulate her son on winning. Kallipateira, an exile from Rhodes, broke the law and went unpunished. After the death of her husband, she trained her son to compete in the Olympics of 404 B.C. On the day of his contest, she entered the stadium disguised as a trainer. As the story goes, she ran out to congratulate him on winning the boxing event, it was discovered she was a woman. Because her father, bother, and now son acquired a total of six Olympic victories, she was not punished. Thereafter, however, the trainers, as well as the athletes, were required to participate in the nude.

Monday, January 13, 2020

If You Have to Ask and Pleasant Personality Essay

1.What Is A Pleasant Personality? No matter what you create in life before you can create it you have to know and understand what it is that you are creating. If you are not consciously creating then you will create through default with the outcomes being random, unpredictable and often unpleasant. A personality is your set of characteristics which is made up of your attitudes, your beliefs, your knowledge, your perceptions, your behaviours, your interests and other personal traits that you hold. Your personality communicates your quality as a person . Your pleasant personality distinguishes you and is what makes you appealing to others. We have all met and interacted with those who have unpleasant personalities and have experienced the upsets created that come from our exchanges with them. In order to consciously create your pleasant personality you must first be aware of what your attitudes and behaviours are towards people and life. You have to take ownership of your knowledge rather than pretending not to know or worse, refusing to acquire knowledge and skills . You have to examine your beliefs and your attitudes . Further, what mood level do you operate in? Can you move easily through the different moods or are you chronically stuck or fixed in a low mood level or in the pretense of a high mood level that you really don’t feel? 2. Your Pleasant Personality  Your pleasant personality is defining you for those with whom you come in contact or interact with. What do you want people to know about you? How do you want to be perceived by others? What characteristics do you have? Are you helpful? Are you an inspiration to others? Do you have a sense of humor? Are you dependable? Are you empathetic? Are you friendly? Each of us has a unique blend of characteristics that contribute to our individual personalities. Draw on the best of these characteristics, the most positive of them and use your attributes and abilities to create your own, one of a kind, pleasant personality! Make a list of them if you have to. Your pleasant personality will shine through whatever identity you are wearing, be it your business identity, your spousal identity, your parental identity, your friend identity or any other number of identities you wear as you play your games in life. You may not wear the same identity to MacDonald’s as you would to the Four Seasons but your pleasant personality will co-ordinate with any identity that you consciously and purposefully choose to wear. 3. Why Develop A Pleasant Personality? You can be the smartest person in the world and you can be willing to tackle whatever task is at hand but if you have failed to develop a pleasant personality you will be hard pressed for an audience and it is unlikely that you will be chosen as a vital member of a team. It is therefore vital that you develop a pleasant personality. It is essential as you go out and about in life that you be aware of what your personality is saying and demonstrating about you. Whether you like sales or not every time you interact with another or others you are giving a sales pitch. You are building a reputation and you are telling others who you are not just by your name but by the knowledge you have and the level or responsibility you take for that knowledge. Of equal importance is the personality you use to convey your messages to others. 4. What Are The Consequences Of Having A Pleasant Personality? From the above you will have identified the characteristics of your pleasant personality. If you find that your personality has been predominantly unpleasant ask yourself, â€Å"What have been or could be the consequences of having an unpleasant personality? Keep asking yourself that question until all the consequences of having an unpleasant personality have been brought to view. Then, with your identified characteristics of a pleasant personality ask yourself, â€Å"What have been or could be the consequences of having a pleasant personality? Keep asking yourself that question until all the consequences have been brought to view. If you find that you already have a pleasant personality your having defined the characteristics of that personality will allow you to take full ownership of and empower your pleasant personality. Ask yourself, â€Å"What have been or could be the consequences of having a pleasant personality? Keep asking yourself the question until you have viewed all the consequence thereby acknowledging yourself while raising your confidence level. Having a pleasant personality and using it to its full extent will empower you in life and it will serve to empower and inspire others. Then, as Dr. Seuss so aptly put it, â€Å"Oh the places you will go.†

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Beneficios migratorios de matrimonio con puertorriqueño

Cuando una persona extranjera se casa con un puertorriqueà ±o, en la Isla o en uno de los 50 estados de la Unià ³n Americana, produce los mismos efectos migratorios que casarse con un nativo de Iowa o Texas o con un ciudadano que adquirià ³ la nacionalidad por naturalizacià ³n. Desde el punto de vista legal en todos los casos dichos se trata de lo mismo: matrimonio con un ciudadano americano. Aunque Puerto Rico tiene estatus de Territorio o Commonwealth, su gente es ciudadana americana desde el momento de su nacimiento.   Resaltar, ademà ¡s, que  la ley de inmigracià ³n que aplica en Puerto Rico es la de Estados Unidos. Efectos migratorios de matrimonio con un puertorriqueà ±o Los puertorriqueà ±os que se casan con una persona extranjera pueden solicitar para sus cà ³nyuges la green card o tarjeta de residencia permanente por matrimonio. Esto aplica tanto a matrimonios entre un varà ³n y una mujer como al conformado por dos personas del mismo sexo.   El matrimonio puede haberse celebrado en Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos o en cualquier otro paà ­s, siempre y cuando sea và ¡lido. Tener en cuenta que si un ciudadano inicia la  tramitacià ³n para pedir a su cà ³nyuge, puede cancelar la solicitud  en cualquier momento del proceso, si cree que realmente  no està ¡ tan enamorado  como creà ­a o que la otra persona quiere mà ¡s a los papeles que al novio/a. La peticià ³n de la green card para un cà ³nyuge siempre se inicia con el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Dependiendo del lugar en el que se encuentre el cà ³nyuge para el que se piden los papeles, se puede seguir uno de los 2 trà ¡mites siguientes: ajuste de estatus si ya està ¡ en Estados Unidos y sus territorios y puede ajustar su estatus. En este caso se puede presentar conjuntamente la peticià ³n de cà ³nyuge y el ajuste de estatus.procedimiento consular, para cuando el cà ³nyuge pedido està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos y sus territorios o cuando sà ­ està ¡ presente en EE.UU. pero no puede ajustar su estatus. Por ejemplo, si està ¡ como indocumentado e ingresà ³ al paà ­s cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. Si el cà ³nyuge extranjero tiene hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, el puertorriqueà ±o puede pedir una green card para estos  hijastros, presentando una solicitud diferente para cada menor que se desea pedir. Ademà ¡s, si la green card se obtiene antes de cumplir los 2 aà ±os de casado, el cà ³nyuge pedido recibirà ¡ una tarjeta de residencia no permanente y està ¡ obligado a levantar la condicionalidad al cumplirse dos aà ±os desde que recibià ³ la tarjeta verde. Finalmente, despuà ©s de tres aà ±os casado, el extranjero puede solicitar adquirir la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. Problemas que pueden surgir en la tramitacià ³n de la green card por matrimonio En una peticià ³n de esposos bà ¡sicamente pueden aparecer 4 problemas: Que el solicitante no pueda hacerlo porque cometià ³ en el pasado ciertos delitos que lo incapacitan para pedir a un familiar. Son los llamados Adam Walsh.Que el solicitante no tenga  recursos econà ³micos suficientes para patrocinar  y no encuentra copatrocinador.Que el USCIS no se cree que el matrimonio es de verdad.  Estas son preguntas tà ­picas  que sirven a los oficiales de inmigracià ³n para determinar si el casamiento es de verdad o se trata de uno fraudulento para obtener los papeles.Que la persona extranjera para la que se piden los papeles tiene en sus circunstancia al menos una que  va a hacer que la peticià ³n se deniegue  por considerar que es inadmisible para los Estados Unidos. En este à ºltimo caso caben varias posibilidades, pero es muy importante entender que estar casado con un ciudadano, en este caso un puertorriqueà ±o, no da derecho a arreglar los papeles si no se cumplen todos los requisitos legales. Por ejemplo, un indocumentado que ingresà ³ a Estados Unidos cruzando ilegalmente la frontera no puede ajustar el estatus en el paà ­s. Y, si inicia los trà ¡mites, tendrà ¡ que salir a una entrevista a un consulado estadounidense y en el momento en el que sale aplica el castigo o penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os  por presencia ilegal.  Y a partir de ahà ­, todo son problemas. Por eso es fundamental antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites asesorarse adecuadamente para saber si se puede arreglar los papeles o si van a surgir problemas graves. Ademà ¡s, saber cuà ¡ndo es posible solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n, para arreglar el problema y cuà ¡ndo ni siquiera la ley permite hacerlo. Opciones para novios Cualquier ciudadano americano que està © pensando en casarse en Estados Unidos  con su novio/a extranjero que reside en otro paà ­s puede considerar la opcià ³n de una peticià ³n de visa K-1 para prometidos (fiancà ©). En este caso la boda tendrà ­a que producirse dentro de los 90 dà ­as siguientes al ingreso del novio extranjero a Estados Unidos o Puerto Rico. La posibilidad de pedir una visa K-1 sà ³lo beneficia a ciudadanos americanos, no pueden solicitarla los residentes permanentes legales. Estos sà ­ pueden pedir a sus cà ³nyuges, pero ya deben haber contraà ­do matrimonio. Por el contrario, si un novio extranjero sà ³lo desea visitar a su enamorado boricua, entonces la visa a pedir es la de turista, a menos que se pertenezca a un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y la duracià ³n de la estancia sea inferior a 90 dà ­as. Viajar a Puerto Rico Documentacià ³n que se necesita para visitar Puerto Rico, desde otro paà ­s o desde uno de los estados de Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.