Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Han China & Classical Athens DBQ Essay

Classical Athens and Han China were different due to their forms of government, the relationship between the individual and the state, their views on man and nature and their background information. Within the background information of both Athens and Han China there are very evident differences between the two. The first document shows the maps of both the empires side by side. The Han Empire is much bigger than the Athens city-state Attica which is a mere 50 miles long, while the Han Empire stretches over 2400 miles long. The size difference alone shows how the Empires would have developed differently. Since Attica is smaller, the people are closer together, therefore it would be easier to develop a democracy there. Han China, however, is very big and everyone is spread out so it would be very difficult to govern if every citizen had a say in the decisions. The second and third documents show the differences in size and distribution of the population in both empires. The differences here are clear. Han China is about 206 times greater in population than Athens. In Athens about 37% of their population are slaves while in China about 7% of their population are slaves or what they call, â€Å"mean people.† The majority, about 90%, of the population in the Han Empire consists of peasant farmers and some skilled urban workers. In Athens, farmers were very valued and the majority of the citizens there were landowning farmers. A map of population density would be very helpful in understanding the differences between the empires. This would show where most farming took place because the mass population is farmers and slaves. CONCLUSION************* Han China and Classical Athens governments are extremely different. Han China’s government was strictly centralized, with an emperor as their supreme and divine ruler; the Son of Heaven. People believed that Heaven chose the person who was ready to rule the Empire. Many people questioned how Heaven does this. In document 6, a dialogue between Mencius, a student of Confucius, and Wan Chang, Mencius’s student, Chang asks Mencius a few questions of Heaven choosing it’s next son. Mencius’s answer was that Heaven  does not speak but reveals itself by acts and deeds; Heaven sees with the eyes of its people and hears with the ears of his people. Document 7 talks about how Han China’s government system runs. Heaven selects the emperor, the sole ruler, but he needed people to help him rule. Therefore he appointed governors to each part of the Empire and then, in turn, they placed officials at smaller areas. During the Han Dynasty, the government decided to build and expand bureaucracy. The bureaucrats would have to go through an early form of a civil service exam in order to earn a law-making position at stages of government such as local, regional and federal. However, Stearn describes the Han Empire as the largest political system in the classical world, but Stearn’s bias can be seen here and must be considered. However, Classical Athens’ government is a democracy, not entirely a modern democracy like the United States, but a democracy nonetheless. Document 4 is a speech by Pericles, a Greek statesman, which talks about the empire’s qualities of their government. Any man, regardless of their social class can be elected to hold office. Pericles talks very highly about his government, â€Å"†¦ we are rather a role model to others.† His point of view on the government system may be affected by the fact that he is the General of that empire so he would be biased toward their government.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Food Inflations-the Real Problem of Common Man in India

In simple terms inflation, or price rise is caused by too much money chasing too few goods, or, demand being more than supply. The free play of the twin market forces of demand and supply determine the price of any commodity or service. In a mixed economy like India, Government is also an important player in the market. Hence to search for the causes of inflation, becomes somewhat complex. The last couple of months witnessed a sudden and almost a run-away type of food inflation. The way the price of vegetables and other food items soared, it created doubts in the minds of the common people and the economists alike. Winter is generally the time when fruits & vegetables are at the lowest prices. This was not so this year. The prices were way above the expected normal. This happened in spite of the normal monsoon and average inflation in other sectors. It was the other way round this time. Inflation in the food sector spilled to other sectors causing the rise in overall inflation. The government and RBI are working on the lines of monetary regulations like change in the interest rates, CRR etc. But looking at the way the food prices are stuck at the higher side, don’t these monetary measures appear just temporary remedies? There are certain deeper, grass root causes which have to be actually tackled. India has come a long way in case of food grain productivity. There was a time when our Balance of payments, account was always weighed down by food grain imports and the debts incurred for these essential imports. It is not so anymore. We are self reliant now. In case of sugar, global prices are determined by the amount of India’s sugar production! States like Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat are doing well in the field of agriculture. Production may be slightly short of demand considering the huge population. Such inflation can be checked by importing. But our problem is actually the middlemen. There is a huge difference between the cost of production and the price the final consumer pays. The farmer gets a very small amount of this profit/difference of cost and final price. For example – If we are buying a vegetable for Rs. 40 per kg. , the dealer at the wholesale market gets Rs. 10 per Kg. , and the poor farmer gets a meager Rs. 3. Again this Rs. 40 too will differ depending on the locality it is being sold. Then there is always the problem of black marketing & illegal stocking of goods to get a higher price. So we actually need checks on the middlemen and the retailers. Secondly, the system of direct farm to shops has to be developed, so that the farmers are the real beneficiaries. This will also motivate the farmers to increase production. Wastage is another important avoidable problem, leading to shortage. Production we have raised. But so much is wasted because we still are a laggard when it comes to state of the art storage facilities. Even the government’s huge food buffer stock lies unused till it gets finally rotten. Why doesn’t the government release its buffer stock on time to check shortage and food inflation? Is the buffer stock merely for psychological security? The government has raised the support prices of some food items. This along with the rural employment schemes and high urban salaries has also infused excess money in the market causing the inflation. Lastly, does the government know or sincerely follow, what is happening to the prices which are subsidized or fixed by the government? There are cases where the inflation will not show in the Government statistics, but will certainly affect our household budget. As usual when the Union Budget is presented, all eyes will be on the Finance Minister and his speech will be thoroughly scanned for all the implications on the economy. But this time, there is one particular reason why ordinary citizens will be specially focused on the Budget: the hope that the Government is finally going to act decisively to contain food price inflation. It is not surprising that questions of food security and the right to food have become such urgent political and social issues in India today. Rapid aggregate income growth over the past two decades has not addressed the basic issue of ensuring the food security of the population. Instead, nutrition indicators have stagnated and per capita calorie consumption has actually declined, suggesting that the problem of hunger may have got worse rather than better. So, despite apparent material progress in the last decade, India is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of hunger among the population, and the number of hungry people in India is reported by the UN to have increased between the early 1990s and the mid-2000s. These very depressing indicators were calculated even before the recent rise in food prices in India, which is likely to have made matters much worse. Indeed, the rise in food prices in the past two years has been higher than any period since the mid-1970s, when such inflation sparked widespread social unrest and political instability. What is especially remarkable is that food prices have been rising even when the general price index (for wholesale prices) has been almost flat; thus, when the overall inflation rate was only 1-2 per cent in the past year, food prices increased by nearly 20 per cent. Sharp rise in prices It is evident that the price increase has been so rapid as to be alarming especially over the past two years, with rice prices increasing by nearly half in Northern cities and more than half in Southern cities. Atta prices have on average increased by around one-fifth from their level of two years ago. The most shocking increase has been in sugar prices, which have more than doubled across the country. Other food items, ranging from pulses and dal to milk and vegetables, have also shown dramatic increase especially in the past year. There are many reasons why food prices have risen at such a rapid rate, and all of them point to major failures of state policy. Domestic food production has been adversely affected by neoliberal economic policies that have opened up trade and exposed farmers to volatile international prices even as internal support systems have been dismantled and input prices have been rising continuously. Inadequate agricultural research, poor extension services, overuse of groundwater, and incentives for unsuitable cropping patterns have caused degeneration of soil quality and reduced the productivity of land and other inputs. Women farmers, who constitute a large (and growing) proportion of those tilling the land, have been deprived of many of the rights of cultivators, ranging from land titles to access to institutional credit, knowledge and inputs, and this too has affected the productivity and viability of cultivation. Poor distribution But in addition to production, poor distribution, growing concentration in the market and inadequate public involvement, have all been crucial in allowing food prices to rise in this appalling manner. Successive governments at the Centre have been reducing the scope of the public food distribution system, and even now, in the face of the massive increase in prices, the Central Government is delaying the allocation of food grains for the Above Poverty Line population to the States. This has prevented the public system from becoming a viable alternative for consumers and preventing private speculation and hoarding. In addition, allowing corporates (both domestic and foreign companies) to enter the market for grains and other food items has led to some increase in concentration of distribution. This has not been adequately studied, but it has many adverse implications, including the fact that farmers will benefit less from period of high prices even as consumers suffer, because the benefit will be garnered by middlemen. Sugar is slightly more complicated, as marketing margins appear to show different trends in different regions and also tend to be significantly lower than the other major crops. The dramatic increase in sugar prices is more a reflection of massive policy errors over the past two years, in terms of supply and domestic price management and exports and imports. Marketing margins So what exactly is happening? It appears that there are forces that are allowing marketing margins — at both wholesale and retail levels — to increase. This means that the direct producers, the farmers, do not get the benefit of the rising prices which consumers in both rural and urban areas are forced to pay. The factors behind these increasing retail margins need to be studied in much more detail. In addition to this, there is also initial evidence that there has been a process of concentration of crop distribution, as more and more corporate entities get involved in this activity. Such companies are both national and multinational. On the basis of international experience, their involvement in food distribution initially tends to bring down marketing margins and then leads to their increase as concentration grows. This may have been the case in certain Indian markets, but this is an area that clearly merits further examination. Many people have argued, convincingly, that increased and more stable food production is the key to food security in the country. This is certainly true, and it calls for concerted public action for agriculture, on the basis of many recommendations that have already been made by the Farmers' Commission and others. But another very important element cannot be ignored: food distribution. Here too, the recent trends make it evident that an efficiently functioning and widespread public system for distributing essential food items is important to prevent retail margins from rising. Food security A universal system of public food distribution provides economies of scale; it reduces the transaction costs and administrative hassles involved in ascertaining the target group and making sure it reaches them; it allows for better public provision because even the better-off groups with more political voice have a stake in making sure it works well; it generates greater stability in government plans for ensuring food production and procurement. It is clear that emergency measures are required to strengthen public food distribution, in addition to medium-term policies to improve domestic food supply. A properly funded, efficiently functioning and accountable system of public delivery of food items through a network of fair price shops and co-operatives is the best and most cost-effective way of limiting increases in food prices and ensuring that every citizen has access to enough food. In a context in which the inflation is concentrated on food prices, measures such as raising the interest rate are counterproductive because they affect all producers without striking at the heart of the problem. Instead, if he is serious about curtailing food inflation, the Finance Minister must provide substantially more funds to enable a proper and effect to public food distribution system. Inflation Statistics. Snapping the five week rising trend, food inflation softened to 16. 91 per cent for the week ended January 1, 2011, although vegetables, onions and protein-based items continued to remained costly. Food inflation fell by 1. 41 percentage points from 18. 32 per cent recorded in the previous reporting week. Even as the index of food inflation showed a meagre decline, vegetable prices soared by 70. 3 per cent on an annual basis in the wholesale market, official data showed. Also onions continued to pinch the pocket of the common man as the prices went up by 70. 70 per cent on a year on year basis. Among the individual items in the food inflation index, egg, meat and fish became costly by 16. 70 per cent, milk by 13. 20 per cent and fruits by 17. 71 per cent annually. However, prices of pulses declined by 14. 84 per cent, wheat by 4. 87 per cent, potatoes by 1. 67 per cent and cereals by 0. 12 per cent on an annual basis. Meanwhile, in the non-food category, the prices of fibers and minerals have climbed up by 36. 1 per cent and 16. 70 per cent, respectively. India’s food inflation rose marginally to 15. 57 percent for the week ended January 15 from previous week’s 15. 52 percent. According to official figures from country’s Commerce ministry, the primary articles price index was up 17. 26 per cent in the latest week, compared with an annual rise of 17. 03 per cent a week earlier. India has the highest food inflation of any major Asian economy, but other emerging markets such as China and Brazil are also battling double-digit food price rises.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Wave Kinetics and Tidal Energy as an Alternative Research Paper

Wave Kinetics and Tidal Energy as an Alternative - Research Paper Example Wind has also energy stored in it, which can be transformed to a usable form by utilizing windmills or wind generators. Similarly sun provides us both light energy and thermal energy. Both of the solar energy types can be transformed to other energy forms to be utilized in a usable manner. Running water has also an energy stored in it, which is a hydrodynamic energy, which is due to the mass of the water and the gravitation of the earth. In the similar manner, biomass provides the biogas, which has a high concentration of methane in it which can be burnt to attain thermal energy. Energy can also be attained from high and low tides. The main concern of the modern world is the emissions of green house gasses that are the result to burning of the fossil fuels like coal, furnace oil, etc to attain the high amounts of thermal and kinetic energy. Fossil fuel is considered to be a conventional resource to attain energy and modern world is looking forward to utilize the alternative resources like wind, tidal, solar geothermal, hydro, etc. The utilization of these alternative resources ensures low or no carbon and green house gasses emissions and if the energy is utilized for the generation of power, low operational costs are also ensured. In this research, my major focus is to discuss the environmental and economic aspects of utilizing the wave kinetic and tidal energy for the generation of power (Pikeresearch 2011). The other matter that should be discussed is the potential of wave kinetic and tidal energy to meet the demand for the energy and is the resources have more or less potential or low capital costs than harvesting other alternative energy. The higher the capital cost (effective cost to establish an energy harvesting system), the higher will be the unit price of the power. Wave kinetic or a hydrokinetic energy is the energy that is attained by the force of waves that have a deep impact on the shores. This type of energy has the enough potential to generate po wer on the shores, near shores and off shores. Moving water has a crushing power that could be utilized to generate power. It will be a difficult task for a swimmer to swim opposing the waves. The power of moving water can be seen in a hydro power plant that is able to generate the power that could fulfill the requirements of more than one city. The wave kinetic energy is an alternate type of energy that has enough potential to generate power that could replace many coal fired power plants. Tidal energy can also be utilized as an alternate energy resource to generate power. Running water is utilized to produce tides that are essentially utilized to generate power. Water in the form of tides has a hydrodynamic energy. The tidal energy can be collected from rivers, where turbines that are able to transform the kinetic energy of the water into electrical energy. The tidal generator is similar to a wind turbine generator but the major difference is that the tidal energy generators are l ie under the surface of water to capture the hydrodynamic energy of water. Tidal energy can also be attained from oceans, as tides also influence the ocean water. The system utilizes a separation with an empty space at lower end to install a tidal generator, between the ocean and basin. At high tide the level of water at the ocean side rises and pressure of water rises towards the basin side. The pressure of water enables the tidal generator to generate several kilos to mega watts of energy.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An Analysis of the Current Developments in International Advertising Essay - 1

An Analysis of the Current Developments in International Advertising Regulation and the Impact on International Marketing Practice and Consumption - Essay Example Some of the notable marketing aspects include e-marketing, social media marketing, product diversification, repositioning of brands among others. In order to enhance product awareness and customer’s loyalty, global companies such as Coca-Cola, Toyota, General motors, Honda, Apple Incorporation, Pepsi among others have taken wide range of advertisements through satellite television, newspapers, internet and other avenues. This paper gives the analysis of the current developments in international advertising regulations and the impact on international marketing practise and consumption. International advertising involves spreading of messages that are related to a product or a service with an aim of propelling the demand from the existing customers or with the purpose of attracting new consumers. It is important to note that due to the cultural diversity and social aspects in various countries, the way customers perceive or react to an advertisement campaign differs. In this regard, international advertising entails the communicating process that takes into consideration the consumption patterns of the audience, multiple cultures and forms of communication. In the same way, international advertisement has been recognized by international agencies as a profitable business in terms of creating adverts on behalf of organizations. One of the major causes of heated discussion among the advertising managers and academics is advertising standardization. According to the advertising managers, establishment of a comprehensive advertisement campaign entails the identification of local, intrinsic and firm factors that manipulate global advertising. In order to effectively serve the firms that were aimed at operating at an international level, advertising agencies established themselves in various countries. This was based on the high returns that they anticipated by treating the advertising campaigns as business

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pick one Neureobiology topic from list Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pick one Neureobiology topic from list - Essay Example These are the simplest and oldest microscopes which use light along with powerful lenses to focus on a living or a dead specimen placed onto a platform called the stage (refer to the picture above). The specimen (also called sample) is viewed using the eye piece. Before we move onto electron microscopy we must understand what exactly is meant by the term resolution. Resolution is a measure of how detailed an image is. A picture with a great resolution is very clear. The problem with light microscopy is that the image (called micrograph) formed using a light microscope has a lower resolution i.e. it is less clear even at the highest magnification. Now the question is why resolution matters. It matters because the clarity of an image matters when viewing cells that have very small parts if the resolution is low then two small parts can end up appearing as one single small part. Light microscopes have a limit of resolution of 200nm that is if any two objects are viewed using a light microscope and are closer than 200nm to each other than they cannot be viewed as separate objects and instead they get merged into a single object. The major difference between a light and an electron microscope is of resolution. Electron microscopes have a much greater resolution than light microscopes and as a result the image (micrograph) obtained using an electron microscope is much clearer. These use a beam of electrons (very small negatively charged particles that are found in all substances) instead of light to examine the specimen. Electron microscopes were made in order to overcome the limitations of the light microscope. Electron microscopes provide much larger magnification and much clearer images of specimen being viewed. There are two types of electron microscopes: 1. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed after reflective light microscopes these are also using electrons beams but here the beam is used for scanning the surface or the boundary of

Friday, July 26, 2019

National culture and commitment-5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

National culture and commitment-5 - Essay Example Hypothesis 4: Western managers who have had previous expatriate experience in a collectivist culture (Middle East & Asia) will have a higher level of organisational commitment than their western colleagues who haven’t had such experience. Hypothesis 5: Saudi managers who have had previous expatriate experience in individualistic cultures (West) will have a higher level of professional commitment than their Saudi colleagues who have not had such experience. This chapter will serve to detail the results of the analyses conducted testing these six hypotheses. Initially, a set of descriptive statistics concerning the dependent and independent variables included in later analyses will be presented and discussed. Following this, reliability analyses concerning the dependent variables in question will be presented. Next, correlations between the four dependent variables of interest will be presented. The remainder of this chapter will be structured such that each hypothesis will be presented and discussed individually. Finally, a conclusion section will serve to summarize the results detailed in this chapter. The survey that was distributed for this study was sent to 850 individuals in total. In sum, 567 usable responses were received from this group of individuals, which translates into a response rate of 66.71%. Out of these 567 respondents, 177 were Saudi individuals working at Saudi companies, 190 were Saudis working within IJVs, and 200 were Westerners working in IJVs. Table 1 presents a summary of the breakdown in respondents on the basis of nationality. The majority of participants in the sample were male (99.6%), were in Engineering (67.7%), were working outside their home countries (56.1%), and had Bachelor’s degrees (66.0%). The nationalities of the sample were divided evenly among Saudis (31.2%), Saudi IJVs (33.5%), and Western IJVs (35.3%). Each of the variables from Table 2 is also

Small Group Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Small Group Communication - Essay Example Relations have a very major role to play in understand group communication vis-à  -vis the society. This is because no man can survive successfully in an environment alone. There shall inevitably be more individuals around him from the same species for him to live in a manner conforming to the definition of a social group, if not a society. Here the concept of mutual; regards, norms and values if very important. Relations, where may be defined as a rather subjective or relative term with reference to human understand, but it shall have to given some limits when we are discussing social structure. Relations can be very simply taken as appreciating and realizing the social norms in their very basic context. These relations, in even more simpler terms can possibly be linked to common sense. But then again, this shall vary greatly from culture to culture, and within that, from community to community. â€Å"One important task we face in attempting to understand the persons around us, is that of determining their present moods, group communication and feelings† (Barn et al, 1980). No matter how close people are, or how much they are in the same band width of thought processes, the ultimate recipe for rationalizing a social situation can never be the same; even for the same person. As was mentioned earlier, relations are the concept that involves actualizing with the prevalent norms. A very intelligent person is less likely to conform to the demands and ways of a group as compared to a person with optimal intelligence. Similarly, being mature does not necessarily confirm the presence of rationalistic and pragmatic frame of reference. Coleman believes that â€Å"Orthodox conceptions of relations are evidently internally deficient and inadequate for explaining human interaction† (2003). This extrapolates upon the conception that relations are a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pointing Fingers in Refugee Responsibilities Assignment

Pointing Fingers in Refugee Responsibilities - Assignment Example ghts convention acts as the foundation of asylum and states that according of the basic rights to persons considered refugees in a foreign territory is important as it would aim at their well being. Such rights include prohibition from all manner of discrimination, procedural safeguards on situations of expulsion, protection of their private and family life and protection against any ill-treatment. In the case of Germany, denying the woman asylum was a violation of the refugee convention as her home country was in a state of turmoil engulfed in an ethnic civil war. The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon had described the situation as a serious crisis that had led to the displacement of thousands of people. The lower administrative court’s decision to deny the woman asylum implied that she had to leave Germany and make a return to her home country, Libya. Germany, in that light, had out rightly violated the refugee human rights convention which granted the woman asylum. The doctrine of the Universal human rights declaration protects the right of refugees by allowing for individuals to seek asylum in areas they consider safe as opposed to staying in their home countries (Forsythe & David, 2009. 89). Furthermore, most of the asylum seekers in Germany arrive through the use of dangerous paths which involve sailing through the Mediterranean sea by use of packed boats, a situation that leads to many of them getting lost and even drowning. The adopted criterion is, however, not legitimate because before arriving in Germany, they go through various countries considered safe states. It is equally important to note that the appellant was right in challenging the Federal Administrative court’s decision as denying her asylum amounted to a violation of her right as well as the obligation of non-refoulement. Meanwhile, Germany on her part acted to counter the escalating influx of refugees in its territory and was vocal in stating that the clause of non- refoulement

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sai.m Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Sai.m - Essay Example h crises; moreover, the fact that the effects of recession on markets that are based on Islamic banking has been limited proves the effectiveness of Islamic banking scheme towards its western rival. Current study focuses on the examination of the solutions that Islamic banking can offer regarding the limitation of losses caused because of the credit crunch. In order to understand the potential solutions of Islamic banking against the credit crunch it would be necessary to refer primarily to the characteristics and the framework of Islamic banking as an alternative scheme of banking compared to the traditional (western) banking system. In accordance with Iqbal et al. (1987, p.29) ‘the central requirement of an Islamic financial system is the replacement of the rate of interest with the rate of return on real activities as a mechanism for allocating financial resources’. On the other hand, Saeed (1996) notes that ‘the investment activities of the Islamic bank would be based on the two legal concepts of Mudaraba and Musharaka, alternatively known as profit and loss sharing (PLS)’ (Saeed, 1996, p.51); in other words, the existing principles and mechanisms of Islamic banking can be used in order to control the pressure of the global market – which is based on the western banking system; in this case, an appr opriate customization of the rules of Islamic banking system would be required in order to suit to the needs and the potentials of customers worldwide (Scharf, 1983, p.18).On the other hand, Islamic banking system has an important weakness: the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework; this means that in case of failure the allocation of risk among the persons that participated in a specific investment initiative may not easy; furthermore, the recovery of damages would also face difficulties (Ledgerwood, 1999, p.56). The above problem is examined in the study of Venardos (2005); in the specific study it is noted that ‘an appropriate regulatory

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Competitive Advantage of Marks and Spenser Essay - 1

Competitive Advantage of Marks and Spenser - Essay Example The present research has identified that during the 1997 period Marks and Spencer took important strategic decisions like pushing the supplier groups to procure materials the far eastern and African region to help lower the cost of production. Side by side the firm also focused on not only enhancing the product assortments but also transforming its image from conservative to fashion minded.In taking such decisions the company found that the cost of supply chain activities increased for the goods being procured from Asiatic and African countries to their United Kingdom distribution houses. Again focusing on enhancement of product assortments meant the display of garments in small numbers thus failing to counter high demand. Moving over to high trend fashion wear also led the company to bear large chunks of unsold merchandises. Thus the past strategic decision taken by Marks and Spencer is found to render negative impact on its competitive advantage. In the present scenario, Marks and Spencer also were noted to carry out some important strategic activities like focusing on rendering diversification to the existing category and groups of products. Moreover, the company also worked in an expansion of the size of the stores from small units to help in the effective stocking of its diversified displays and thus gaining in more consumers. Other strategic decisions incorporated by the firm are acquiring of other small firms for expansion of business to other areas and also in creating distribution houses for stocking merchandises. Marks and Spencer did not only focused on filling up the stores with different product categories and assortments but also in opening up diversified units like food marts and other specialty stores. Strategic decisions like changing on in displays to help stock more products also helped the store in grabbing more consumers. Again the business of Marks and Spencer also took resort of a diversification strategy thus moving into newer service se ctors like finance and insurance. All these strategic decisions taken by the company helped in augmenting the level of competitive advantage of the concern in the light of other competitors.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Jonestown and Jim Jones Essay Example for Free

Jonestown and Jim Jones Essay Jonestown and its leader, Jim Jones Behind every religious or social movement is the leader that created it. James â€Å"Jim† Warren Jones was the father of the â€Å"People’s Temple† turned â€Å"Jonestown†. The lifetime of the movement created by Jim Jones started with bright beginnings and concluded with a dark end. It was filled with impressive expressions of faith and sinister examples of control. One cannot help to ask what it was that created the man who started it all and how did it arrive at its abrupt end? Jim Jones was born on May 13, 1931 in a rural area of Randolph County, Indiana. His mother, Lynetta Putnam Jones, believed she had in fact given birth to a Messiah, foreshadowing Jones’ future as Reverend of the People’s Temple. She claims that her dead mother appeared to her in a dream telling her that she would bear a son who would right the wrongs of the world.[1] In order to keep her dreams of her son claiming his messiah-ship alive she raised him with Methodist beliefs. However, due to the economic difficulties of the Great Depression the Jones family had to move to nearby Lynn, Indiana where Jim grew up in a shack void of any indoor plumbing. With little else to do to ease his situation, Jim became an avid reader and studied the works and life of individuals such as Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler.[2] Shortly after graduating High School and marrying Marceline Baldwin Jones he became a member of the Communist Party of the USA in 1951. In 1960, Indianapolis Democratic Mayor Charles Boswell appointed Jones director of the Human Rights Commission. Jones however was not shy about trying to share his views on integration with the public. Some examples of his radical integrationist theories include Jones helping to integrate churches, restaurants, the telephone company, the police department, a theater, an amusement park, and the Methodist Hospital in his area.[3] Moreover, included in his efforts, was an incident occurring after swastikas were painted on the homes of two African American families in the surrounding neighborhood. Jones personally walked the area, comforting African Americans and counseling white families not to move out. Similarly, he set up variousstings to catch restaurants refusing to serve African American customers. He also wrote to American Nazi leaders then proce eded to leak their responses to the media. Finally, when Jones had accidentally been placed in the black ward of a hospital after he had collapsed, he refused to be moved and began to make the beds, and empty the bed pans of black patients in the ward. Boswell had advised Jones to keep a low profile, but he ignored these warning by finding new outlets for his views on local radio and television programs. When he was asked to cease his actions, he resisted and was cheered on at a meeting of the NAACP and Urban League.[4] Jim Jones became the subject of incredible amounts of criticism because of his beliefs.[5] For example, white-owned businesses and locals were very critical of him. Accounts of vandalism and terror inflicted on Jim Jones include a swastika being placed on the Temple, a stick of dynamite being left in a Temple coal pile, and a dead cat being thrown at Jones house after a threatening phone call. There is speculation that Jones himself may have been an accomplice to several of these acts.[6] It is clear that whether these acts were self-perpetuated or not, Jones met incredible amounts of opposition in his early years when trying to voice his views and opinions. He posed the problem to himself of how to demonstrate his Marxist views. His decision was to infiltrate the church when he had witnessed multiple faith healing ceremonies at a Baptist church. In 1952, Jones became the student pastor of Sommerset Southside Methodist Church. To his surprise, he was not only allowed in the church but was given a leadership position despite his political views.[7] Jones saw how the church drew in massive numbers of people no matter their current social situation or background. He also realized the need these people had for some sort of reassurance from whatever oppression they felt. Jim Jones would later feed on that weakness he saw in people to create his Temple. Jones sought to embody the characteristics that would appeal to the most people looking for comfort. He used his views of socialism, integration, and perceived oppression to gather a rather substantial  following. One way he embodied these views, especially of integration, was the creation of his so called â€Å"rainbow family†. Jim and Marceline Jones adopted several children of at least partial non-Caucasian ancestry. The two adopted three children of Korean-American descent. They were Lew, Suzanne and Stephanie. Jones had long been encouraging his Temple members to adopt orphans from war ravaged Korea. In 1954, he and his wife also adopted Agnes Jones, then 11 years old and partially of Native American descent. Suzanne Jones was adopted at the age of six 5 years later. In June 1959, the couple had their only biological child, Stephan Gandhi Jones. The couple also adopted another son, who was white, named Tim. Tim Jones’ birth mother was a member of the Peoples Temp le, was originally named Timothy Glen Tupper. Two years later, in 1961, the Jones family made history by becoming the first white couple in Indiana to adopt a black child, who they named James Warren Jones, Jr.[8] This act brought Jones’ integrationist views to complete embodiment. He said to his people that integration had become much more of a personal issue to him and his family; that it was a matter of their future in this world. Jones even translated this term over to the Temple as well by referring to them as a â€Å"rainbow family in their own way.[9] The People’s Temple was started in Indianapolis in the mid 1950’s. Some members recall that the Temple purported itself to practice what it called apostolic socialism.[10] After Jones had received a considerable amount of criticism in Indiana for his integrationist views, he journeyed to Brazil looking for a safe haven to move his Temple; this trip was also the first time that Jones had been to Guyana. After his return, Jones made wild claims that the world would soon be engulfed in a nuclear war. He even went so far as to predict a date. This would all happen on July 15, 1967. These events would inevitably then create a new socialist Eden on earth, and thus the Temple must move to be alive in order to take part in this wonderful utopia that was to come. Jones read in esquire magazine that the rural Redwood Valley of California was to be safe from nuclear war.[11] As a result of Jones’ instance, the members left their lives in Indiana behind and the Temple moved to Redwood Valley, California in 1965. The Temple’s popularity grew and in the early 1970s, the Peoples Temple opened other branches in a number of cities including San Fernando and San Francisco. In the mid-1970s, the Temple officially moved its headquarters to San Francisco, CA.[12] After the Temples relocation to San Francisco, it became increasingly more active in politics. For example, the People’s Temple is credited with a large part in the mayoral election of George Moscone in 1975. As a result of their efforts, Moscone appointed Jones as the Chairman of the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission.[13] Unique to Jones from other figures considered as cult leaders by the public is that Jones held the public support and had contact with some of the highest level politicians in the United States at the time. A few of these influential politicians include Vice President, later Presidential candidate, Walter Mondale and First Lady Rosalynn Carter. In September of 1976 Governor Jerry Brown, Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally, and Assemblyman Willie Brown, among others, attended a large testimonial dinner, in which Willie Brown served as the master of ceremonies, held in honor of Jones. Brown is quoted as saying, â€Å"Let me present to you what you sho uld see every day when you look in the mirror in the early morning hours†¦ Let me present to you a combination of Martin Luther, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Chairman Mao.†[14] What was life like in the Temple that drew in such a large number of followers? For most members the life inside the Temple represented exactly what they wanted the world to become. Blacks and Whites were freely worshipping together. Jones’ son, Stephan Jones, said â€Å"You saw every walk of life†.[15] Everyone had their own reasons for joining the Temple; individuals each heard their own message. Another ex-member, Laura Johnston Kohl, stated her view as â€Å"People came to make a dramatic change in their lives, to make a dramatic change in the world†.[16] Terri Burford, yet another ex-member, recalls her first encounter with the temple. She says, â€Å"I had $20 to my name and I was hitchhiking up between Ukiah and Redwood Valley, where the Temple was. Somebody picked me up who was a member of the Temple and he said, ‘You know if you’re looking for a place to stay, a place to sleep, we’ll get some food, I’ve got the place for you. I belong to this wonderful church and they feed the hungry, they take care of the sick. Furthermore, the person who runs this thing is God’†.[17] This view of Jones as God was more than likely self-perpetuated and his followers latched on to it. In a recording of a sermon at the Temple Jones says, â€Å"Some people see me as the representative of the I am†¦ Some people see a great deal of God in my body. They see Christ in me, a hope of Glory.† Jones also asked his members to refer to his as â€Å"Dad† or â€Å"Father†. Members claimed that Jones had a special gift that no one else possessed, they were enchanted by him.[18] Even outsiders that visited the Temple found their own kind of sanctuary. Harvey Milk, who spoke at political rallies at the Temple and wrote to Jones after his visit to the Temple: Rev Jim, It may take me many a day to come back down from the high that I reached today. I found something dear today. I found a sense of being that makes up for all the hours and energy placed in a fight. I found what you wanted me to find. I shall be back; for I can never leave. The mentality so evide nt from Harvey Milk’s writing was not unique to him; it was shared among the members of the temple.[19] Life in the Temple was not as perfect as it was portrayed to be. The faith healings that were central to his ministry that Jones put on were a hoax. The individual’s that experienced these healings and claimed to have never met Jones had actually set up the whole act. Jones even played on the emotions of new members to strengthen his claims. Hue Fortson, JR. recounts the process of how these healings on new members were set up by Jones, â€Å"We had greeters at the front door and every time one entered the service they would take their name supposedly for the mailing list. But lo and behold they staff workers would take that same name on the card. They would go by people’s houses; sometimes they looked at trash cans, sometimes they’d knock on the doors, if they weren’t there they’d break a window and they’d go in. So when that person came back to church, if they decided, they would use that person as one of his healing services. But, basically that was part of the set up to get people into the room. That he had some kind of extra special gift that no one else had.†[20] Save for a few members that played a role in Jones set ups, everyone truly believed in these healings. â€Å"I didn’t know the healings were phony. I believed in spiritual healing and I am not the only person in the room that believed in it. A lot of people believed in spiritual healing† said Tim Carter.[21] When Chronicle reporter Marshall Kilduff got wind of the People’s Temple he made it his mission to write an exposà © on the group. Little did he know the kinds of stories and the number of people he would encounter. What Kilduff would come to find out stood with incredible contrast to the humanitarian image that Jones had created for his Temple and its members. Ex-members relayed stories of systematic abuse within the Temple. Terri Buford commented, â€Å"There were a lot of beatings in the Temple. People who strayed from the path one way or the other, talked to an outsider or had a relationship with an outsider or something like that. Or did something that was considered Capitalistic, they would get beaten in front of the church. You couldn’t just get up and leave; people would drag you back in. There wasn’t the choice of walking out and saying, ‘this isn’t tolerable’. You didn’t have that choice.† [22] A number of recordings from Temple services depict Jones as saying that individuals that were experiencing these beatings were getting exactly what they deserved; that they deserved it all. Jones is on record as telling his followers that he was the only true heterosexual. Yet, there is at least one account of his sexual abuse of a male member of his congregation in front of the followers, ostensibly to prove the mans own homosexual tendencies existed. Jones is also recorded as laughing during the proceedings of the abuse. He claims that it was something he needed to do in order to control the group, he deemed it necessary. In his mind and in the minds of the Temple members experiencing this, it was the idea that the end justified the means. It was all with the goal of a perfect utopian society in mind. Kilduff was taken aback by the number of accounts he had received. He reported that in the beginning it was hard to discern who was telling the truth and who was lying but by the end when multiple individuals came to him with the same stories of abuse he could no longer question its legitimacy. When Kilduff had compiled his findings into the exposà © of the decade he tried to go public with it. However, his magazine wouldn’t touch it and neither would many other magazines or newspapers. This was thanks to Jones’ political support from years of his humanitarian image. It wasn’t until Nine West magazine made the decision to pick up the story that Jones made the decision to uproot his entire Temple to the Guyanese land.[23] In the fall of 1973, Jones and an influential Temple member Timothy Stoen prepared an immediate action plan in order to respond quickly to a police or media scandal based on the acts of the Temple. The plan listed included many options for escape, one of which was a Caribbean missionary post. For this post, the Temple quickly chose Guyana because of its socialist politics and after it researched the Guyanese economy and extradition treaties with the United States. In October 1973, the directors of the Peoples Temple voted to pass a resolution to establish an agricultural mission project there. Former Temple member Tim Carter, who also traveled to Guyana with the migratory group, stated that the reasons for choosing Guyana were â€Å"the Temples view of creeping fascism, the perceived dominance of multinational corporations on the government, and perceived racism in the U.S. government.† Carter also said the Temple concluded that â€Å"Guyana, a predominantly Indian, English-s peaking socialist country, would afford black members of the Temple a peaceful place to live†. This peaceful life for all members but especially the black members of the Temple was central to Jones’ appeal. Later, Guyanese Prime Minister Forbes Burnham stated that what may have attracted Jones was that he wanted to use cooperatives as the basis for the establishment of socialism, and maybe his idea of setting up a commune meshed with that†.[24] Jones also thought it was important that Guyanas leadership consisted of several black leaders and that the country was small and poor enough for Jones to easily obtain influence and official protection just as he had done in the States. An initial group of approximately 500 members began the construction of Jonestown in their new Guyanese home. The Temple encouraged some of its members to move to Jonestown, formally named the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project. Jones and his Temple members viewed Jonestown as both their own socialist paradise and a sanctuary from the increasing media scrutiny they were under saying, â€Å"He believed we’re the purest communists there are†. His wife described Jonestown as â€Å"dedicated to live for socialism, total economic and racial and social equality. We are here living communally†.[25] The relatively large number of immigrants to Guyana overwhelmed the Guyanese governments comparatively small immigration system. Jones reached an agreement to guarantee that Guyana would permit Temple members mass migration. In order to accomplish this, he told officials that Temple members were skilled and progressive†, he also reportedly showed off an envelope that held a half of one million dollars. He told the officials that he would invest the majority of the churchs assets into Guyana. The Guyanese immigration procedures were also corrupted to inhibit the departure o f Temple defectors. Just like the emigration policies of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea and other communist republics that the Temple wished to emulate, Jones did not permit members to leave Jonestown. He also bribed the officials to delay processing of the visas of any Temple opponents wishing to visit.[26] In the summer of 1977, Jones and several hundred more Temple members uprooted and moved to Jonestown with the hopes of escaping the building pressure from San Francisco media investigations like the exposà © from Kilduff. In fact, Jones is reported to have left the same night that the editor at New West magazine read Jones the article to be published by Kilduff that recounted the allegations by former Temple members.[27] An unprepared Jonestown quickly became overcrowded, buildings fell into disrepair and weeds encroached on fields after the arrival of Jones and his Temple members. The people’s lives in Jonestown significantly changed. Like many socialist countries, propaganda shorts detailing Soviet life given by the Soviet embassy as well as documentaries on the problems of the United States policies were viewed in place of the entertaining movies that the first group of Jonestown members enjoyed before Jones’ arrival. School study and night time lectures for adults became a discussion time about revolution and enemies for Jones. For the first several months, Temple members worked all but one day a week, from 6:00 in the morning until 6:00 at night, with only an hour for lunch in the midst of this 12 hour day. Thankfully In 1978, after Jones health took a turn for the worse his wife, Marciline, began managing more of Jonestowns operations. As a result, the work week was reduced to eight hours a day for only five days a week.[28] After the days work ended, Temple members would attend several hours of activities in a main pavilion. Among these activities were classes in socialism. Hugh Fortson, Jr. remembers these hours of studying simply, â€Å"It was always ‘America is going to fall’ and Armageddon is coming’’ he said.[29] Jones thought this system copied that of North Korea’s; 8 hours of work immediately following 8 hours of intensive study. This was combined with the Temples practice of gradually subjecting its followers to mind control and behavior-modification techniques. Jones would often read news and commentary. Jones recorded readings of the news were part of the majority of the constant broadcasts over Jonestowns speaker system in order for all members to hear them no matter the time. Jones news readings typically portrayed the United States as a capitalist and imperialist villain, meanwhile casting socialist leaders in a positive light. Terri Buford recalls, †Å"From 6 in the morning until 10 at night, we heard him†.[30] Evidence of Jim Jones’ knowledge of what he was doing to his followers is clear in his comments during an interview about an ensuing custody battle with one defector. Speaking of the child and if he was taken away he said, â€Å"That he’d be deprogrammed, that his mind be taken and used by their evil means and whatever chemicals to try to drain his mind.†[31] Among some of the controlling things that Jones subjected his followers to were the â€Å"White Nights†. Mass suicide had been previously discussed in simulated events on a regular basis. During at least one such prior White Night, members drank liquid that Jones falsely told them was poison. Grace Stoen recalls one such event. She states, â€Å"I can remember we were in a planning commission meeting and Jim says, ‘You know I really love you guys. I’m going to let you guys drink wine. You don’t think I love you.’ So we were all given this wine that was from the ranch. Jim said, ‘Has everybody drank their wine?’ And some people had said, ‘Well, I don’t want any.’ Then Jim said, ‘No everybody is going to drink this.’ So we all drank it and Jim asks, ‘Has everybody drank that wine?’ We all said yes. He says, ‘Okay, you all have 10 minutes to live.†[32] Laura Johnston Kohl, who was at that same meeting, finishes the account by saying, â€Å"Jim said, ‘That was poison, because we need to commit revolutionary suicide.’ We needed to be totally committed to this cause, period. And you can’t be part way; you can’t do it part way.†[33] Yet another example of Jones’ controlling nature is in his â€Å"special privileges†. While Jones banned sex among Temple members outside of marriage, he himself voraciously engaged in sexual relations with both male and female Temple members. Jones claimed that he detested engaging in homosexual activity and did so only for the male temple members’ own good, purportedly to connect them symbolically with him.[34] The majority of Jones political allies in the States severed their connections after Jones departure, however, some did not. Willie Brown spoke out in support at a rally at the Peoples Temple in San Francisco. More importantly though for Jones and the Temple, Moscones office issued a press release stating that Jones had broken no laws during his time in the US.[35] In the fall of 1977, relatives of Temple members in Jonestown formed a Concerned Relatives group. The group ventured to Washington D.C. in the winter of ‘78 to address their concerns for their family in Jonestown. The groups’ efforts raised the curiosity of Congressman Leo Ryan. There was growing pressure in the States to investigate the Temple. On April 11, 1978, the Concerned Relatives distributed documents, including letters and affidavits, that they en titled an Accusation of Human Rights Violations by Rev. James Warren Jones to the Peoples Temple, members of the press and members of Congress. In June 1978, escaped Temple member Deborah Layton provided the group with a further affidavit detailing alleged crimes by the Peoples Temple and substandard living conditions in Jonestown.[36] In November 1978, U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan led a venture to Jonestown to investigate allegations of human rights abuses from the documents distributed by the Concerned Relatives. Ryans traveling companions included relatives of Temple members, Don Harris, an NBC network news reporter, an NBC cameraman and reporters for various newspapers. The pack arrived in Georgetown on November 15. Then on November 17, Ryans delegation traveled by airplane to Jonestown. The delegation left hurriedly with a number of temple defectors on the afternoon of November 18 after Temple member Don Sly attacked Ryan with a knife. Congressman Ryan and his people succeeded in taking fifteen Peoples Temple members out of Jonestown to the airstrip where their planes were waiting. At the time, Jones had made no attempt to prevent their departure.[37] As members of Ryans delegation boarded two planes at the airstrip, Jones Red Brigade, his armed guards, arrived in a trailer and opened fire on the group of escaping individuals. Simultaneously, one of the supposed defectors, Larry Layton, drew a weapon and began firing on members of the party that had already boarded a small Cessna. Among those that the guards killed were Congressman Ryan; Don Harris, a reporter from NBC; Bob Brown, a cameraman from NBC; San Francisco Examiner photographer Greg Robinson; and Temple member Patricia Parks. Those that managed to survive the attack were future Congresswoman Jackie Speier, then a staff member for Ryan; Richard Dwyer, the Deputy Chief of Mission from the U.S. Embassy at Georgetown; Bob Flick, a producer for NBC News; Steve Sung, an NBC sound engineer; Tim Reiterman, a San Francisco Examiner reporter; Ron Javers, a San Francisco Chronicle reporter; Charles Krause, a Washington Post reporter; and several defecting Temple members.[38] Later that same day, 909 inhabitants of Jonestown, 303 of them children, died of apparent cyanide poisoning, mostly in and around the main pavilion. This became the single greatest loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster; that is until the September 11, 2001 attacks.[39] No video was taken during the mass suicide, although the FBI did recover a 45 minute audio recording of the suicide in progress. On that tape, Jones tells Temple members that the Soviet Union, with whom the Temple had been negotiating a potential exodus for months, would not take them after the Temple had murdered Ryan and four others at a nearby airstrip. Jones justified his actions by saying, â€Å"So my opinion is that we be kind to children and be kind to seniors and take the potion like they used to take in ancient Greece, and step over quietly because we are not committing suicide. Its a revolutionary act. We cant go back. They wont leave us alone. Theyre now going back to tell more lies which means more congressmen. And theres no way, no way we can survive.† Jones and several members argued that the group should commit revolutionary suicide by drinking cyanide-laced grape-flavored Flavor Aid. Jones put into his followers’ minds that there was no hope for anything anymore. This was their only way out; they might as well do it on their terms. He furthered the hopelessness of the situation by telling them that people were going to parachute in on them. They were going to shoot the bab ies and torture the members. Jones continually says how he has tried to prevent this from happening for months, how he has always had the people’s best interest in mind, and how he has never lied to them. He told them that this was the time to die, to die with some dignity. In the 45 minute recording a member, Christine Miller, opposed Jones’ radical proposition toward the beginning of the tape.[40] According to escaped Temple members, children were given the drink first and families were told to lie down together. Jones was later found dead in a deck chair with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head. An autopsy of Jones body also showed levels of Pentobarbital, which may have been lethal to humans who had not developed physiological tolerance. His drug usage which included LSD and marijuana was confirmed by his son, Stephan Jones and their family doctor in San Francisco.[41] Jones can be compared with other radical religious leaders. One example of these leaders is David Koresch; the leader of the Heaven’s Gate group situated in Waco, Texas. Their time as a community also ended in tragedy. While Koresch had a set world view that he would not have compromised for anything in the world, Jones had more of an eclectic world view. His theology could be tailored to fit his social motivations. He picked the aspects of religions that he thought would favor the growth of a socialist society. He also viewed himself and his followers as the purest form of their kind. This purist society has apocalyptic undertones. The creations of their own utopia would lead to the ultimate utopia to come. Jones and Koresch were also the only individuals allowed access to outside information. As previously stated, Jones read the news and discussed the social issues of the day with his followers, but he was the keeper of knowledge. Both leaders spent hours on end with their followers conversing about their views on the world. Also, each leader was granted special privileges. Koresch and Jones shared their views of sexual relations; for the members it was restricted and for them it was unregulated. The apocalyptic nature of the Jonestown community is also very clear. The most notable is the constant pressure from outsiders. In their world they were oppressed for their beliefs and sought refuge with like-minded people. That brought them to Jonestown and the next example of their apocalyptic nature. The members of the Temple wished only for the purest of societies and they worked hard to achieve that utopia in Guyana. The move to Guyana was a result not only of the perceived persecution they were under but also on Jones’ play on social anxiety of the end of the world due to nuclear warfare. All of these situations exemplify the apocalyptic nature of the People’s Temples and Jonestown. In the years following the massacre the view of Jonestown has skewed from a religious group to a cult. The interest and investigation of the so-called cult has also weaned. A member of the Concerned Relatives group has said, â€Å"As soon as we label a religion a cult, we dismiss it. We no longer have to investigate it, what did they believe? It doesn’t matter.†[42] [1] Reiterman, Tom; Jacobs, John, The Untold Story of Rev. Jim Jones and His People (Dutton: Raven, 1982) [2] Hall, John R., Gone from the Promised Land (Transaction publishers, 1987) [3] Wessinger, Catherine , How the Millennium Comes Violently: From Jonestown to Heavens Gate, (Seven Bridges Press, 2000) [4] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [5] Wessinger, Millennium Comes Violently [6] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [7] Wessinger, Millennium Comes Violently [8] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [9] Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple People Events 8 December 2012 [10] Dawson, Lorne L., Cults and new religious movements: a reader, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2003) [11] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [12] Layton, Deborah. Seductive Poison. (Anchor, 1999) [13] Jonestown: Life and Death [14] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [15] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [16] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [17] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [18] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [19] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [20] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [21] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [22] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [23] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [24] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [25] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [26] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [27] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [28] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [29] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [30] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [31] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [32] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [33] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [34] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [35] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [36] Reiterman; Jacobs, Untold Story [37] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [38] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [39] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012. [40] Jones, Jim. Death Tape, Jonestown, 8 12 12. Speech. [41] Wessinger, Millennium Comes Violently [42] Witness to Jonestown. 2008. Film. 8 Dec 2012.

Bama Team Essay Example for Free

Bama Team Essay Bama is a team based company that takes care of its employees to ensure business growth. The People Assurance System (PAS) not only trains and informs but also makes sure that employees know the key expectations for their performances.   The company’s leadership system provides the framework for the PAS and integrates the leaders’ responsibilities with HR systems so that business objectives can be achieved. When certain profitability objectives are met, employees are also given additional compensation. Applicants are hired based on basic requirements. Hourly employees are hired through a temporary employment agency. Professional, technical and management employees come from internships, external recruiters, personal references, and job fairs. The leadership system has the Employee Success Discussions (ESD) and Organizational Development Discussions (ODD) where employees are given feedback and employee development opportunities. The ESD is a positive feedback system that provides the chance for hourly employees and their supervisors to discuss and plan performance issues.   The ODD provides management employees feedback from immediate bosses, customers, peers and direct reports. These observations are also used by the training staff to modify their training offerings. The company also has the â€Å"promote from within† philosophy that allows employees to advance their positions based on their own merits. The system also ensures the personal and professional growth of employees through tuition assistance programs, training programs, and technological and maintenance courses. All new employees are given on-the-job trainings.   Newly-hired managers are given a six hour session on culture, ethical standards and other company policies. Safety trainings have before and after evaluations that help assess development. The Six Sigma system assigns Black Belts that help teams attain goals. Update and just-in-time trainings that are extendable are given on applications and new processes. To ensure mastery, written course evaluations, in-class brainstorming of improvement ideas, post-testing, assessment and supervisors follow up. Bama ensures employee support, satisfaction and retention by having surveys (semi-annual and even anonymous), roundtables, and focus groups. The HR also addresses financial compensation, benefits, personal development (e.g. Fitness Center), involvement, recognition, communication and leisure through its services. Other measures like accident rates and employee retention are also taken into consideration. Employees are encouraged to give their improvement suggestions on human safety, product quality, processes to save time or money, equipment life and quality of life for employees through the Fresh Ideas Program. All employees, except for those paid hourly, get rewards and awards for it. Effective two-way communication is vital to Bama.   For this, the company has established the Bama Communication and Sharing Process, a roundtable process, an open door policy and the Bama News. The business systems infrastructure also encourages skill sharing across units, jobs and locations.   Two-way radios are also provided for efficiency. Healthy and safety of working environment are also priorities of Bama. It has a Key Elements plan, safety training programs and policies in place to secure implementation of safety laws..   Random drug testing is also done to ensure that Bama remains a drug-free workplace. Monthly safety audits are also done to see potential hazardous situations. Employees may also write Safety Work Orders or Near Miss Reports. Security systems like staff, fences, gates, pass-coded doors and surveillance cameras are also regularly assessed. Emergency and disaster preparedness provisions include planning (using ammonia refrigeration systems), training (e.g. CPR and fire safety), drills and multiple production lines.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

IKEA SWOT and Competitive Analysis

IKEA SWOT and Competitive Analysis (S)trengths Strength includes characteristics within the organization that adds value to the business and resulting in the ultimate success of organization. These factors are usually cited as skilled management, manufacturing facilities available and good profit product line available in business. (Finlay, 2000) IKEA has strong internationally brand name recognition. IKEAs branding attracts the major demographic customers. Business model of IKEA is unique in its construction as it has no direct competitions on like for like basis. IKEAs products offer values to customer by delivering low price and innovative products. IKEA carries degree of specialist skills and knowledge within key production areas. (Edvardsson Enquist, 2009; Lewis, 2005; Torekull Kamprad, 1999) (W)eaknesses Weaknesses address the internal factors within the business. Those factors that prevent the achievement of successful projects are mainly barriers in communication channels, insufficient resources and conflicts between departments. (Finlay, 2000) IKEA promotes the low pricing model but services to customers are not satisfactory. Retention of customer focuses that customers should be happy fully with the business services. To repeat business with the same customer base IKEA has to work out on its services that are given to customers. Practices of ecommerce have become necessary for businesses to compete with modern technological world. IKEA needs to adopt such practices for the efficiency of its business. (Ikea, 1995; Levine, 2007) (O)pportunities Opportunity factor in SWOT analysis deals with the external elements that will help the business in the completion of successful projects. Strong network of vendors, healthy relationships with suppliers and prevailing good market conditions these all add values to the project. (Finlay, 2000) Opportunity available to IKEA is growing demand for green products and growing demand for low price products by the customers. Due to liquidity crunch and high inflation demand for low price products is increasing. IKEA is moving towards the global status because of the development of Eastern and European models. (Edvardsson Enquist, 2009; Lewis, 2005; Torekull Kamprad, 1999) (T)hreats Final factor of SWOT analysis is threat. Threat represents the external factors that can threaten the success of project. Threat is the negative public image towards business, week vendor relationship, inadequate resources and unavailability of market for the final product. (Finlay, 2000) Various competitors are entering in market and offering the low cost household and furniture products and causing the threat to IKEAs business. Due to recession in economy, trend of consumers spending and disposal of income has reduced. First time buying pattern by consumers is also threat as consumers spend less when they enter in the market. (Ikea, 1995; Levine, 2007) Context and Key issues Wal-Mart is indirect competitor of IKEA. Wal-Mart runs a chain of large stores whereas IKEA deals only with the home furnishing. Wal-Mart offers extensive products and home furnishing is from one of its product lines. Wal-Mart is biggest public company while IKEA is private company. Wal-Mart has world recognized retail brands as IKEAs. IKEA has no direct competitors but Wal-Mart has to compete with the direct competitors also. IKEA focuses on the low priced product strategy which will affect Wal-Mart as more customers are moving towards IKEA for home furnishing. Wal-Mart strategy is focused on human resource management and development and IKEA strategy gives emphasize to low price products to customer. Services given to customers by IKEA are not up to the mark. Wal-Mart can grab customers form IKEA by focusing on the services and by giving values to customer. Retention of customer is possible when their desires are fulfilled along with these desires customer demands good services from the company. Those companies that are providing good customer service are becoming successful. Wal-Mart by using the information technology to assist its logistic systems can precede the IKEA. Information technology can become the core competence of Wal-Mart and by using this core competency Wal-Mart can excel IKEA. (Lewis, 2005; Maon et al., 2007; Tong Tong, 2006) IKEA can compete vigorously with Wal-Mart by fulfilling the demand of customers. Demands for greener products, demands for low priced products and demand from low carbon footprints are increasingly. IKEA by serving these demands can gain the opportunity to become successful and strong competitor of Wal-Mart in home furnishing product line. IKEA by developing the Eastern and European models can increase its market shares and Wal-Mart profitability can decline. By providing customer with low priced products IKEA can attract the customer in this economic recession period where customers are not spending their income. By offering the low priced products to the customer Wal-Mart can do extremely well with IKEA. Due to inflation and down trend in the buying pattern of customers this strategy can gain success to the company. To overcome the threat of low buying pattern of consumer Wal-Mart can take better measures than IKEA as Wal-Mart is running huge retail business than IKEA. IKEA is providing only home furnishing products. It has more skills and knowledge as it is dealing only with this product line and also IKEA is providing innovative and less price products. IKEA strengths have increased from Wal-Mart in home furnishing products because it is focusing only on this product line. (Lewis, 2005; Maon et al., 2007; Tong Tong, 2006) Conclusion IKEA and Wal-Mart differ in number of ways. For the constructive comparison market segmentation and target market for both IKEA and Wal-Mart has to be considered. Target market of IKEA is only consumers of home furnishing while Wal-Mart deals with huge target market. Influence of IKEA on Wal-Mart is less because Wal-Mart is running huge industry. Market segmentation of Wal-Mart is different from IKEA like Wal-Mart focuses on different demographic segmentation, Psychographics and life style segmentation and behavioural segmentation. Target market of IKEA is different as it is only providing products to consumers who are keen in home furnishing whereas home furnishing is only the niche of Wal-Mart. Strategies of IKEA and Wal-Mart are also dissimilar. IKEA focuses on the low priced and innovative products to customer whereas Wal-Mart focuses on the human management and development of human skills. IKEA has no direct competitors so it does not directly influence other businesses through its strengths and weaknesses. Healthy competition is always done on one to one basis. Weakness of IKEA is also that it has no direct competitor. Presence of direct competitor boosts the company performance. References Edvardsson, B. Enquist, B. 2009, Values-based service for sustainable business : lessons from IKEA, Routledge, London; New York. Finlay, P. 2000, Strategic management : an introduction to business and corporate level strategy, Financial Times Prentice Hall, Harlow. Ikea, A. S. 1995, Democratic design : a book about form, function and pricethe 3 dimensions at IKEA, IKEA, Almhult, Sweden. Levine, J. 2007, Forbes Life Billionaires Ikea, Forbes., pp. 328-. Lewis, E. 2005, Great Ikea! : a brand for all the people, Great brand stories, Cyan, London. Maon, F., Swaen, V., Lindgreen, A. University of Hull. Business, S. 2007, Corporate social responsibility at IKEA : commitment and communication, Hull University Business School, [S.l.]. Tong, C. H. Tong, L. I. 2006, Exploring the Conerstones of Walmarts Succes and Competitiveness, Competitiveness review : CR., 16 (2), pp. 143-9. Torekull, B. Kamprad, I. 1999, Leading by design : the IKEA story, HarperBusiness, New York.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: A Typical Enlightenment Work

Candide as a Typical Enlightenment Work      Ã‚  Ã‚   Candide on the surface is a witty story. However when inspected deeper it is a philippic writing against people of an uneducated status. Candide is an archetype of these idiocracies, for he lacks reason and has optimism that is truly irking, believing that this is the best of all possible worlds. Thus Voltaire uses a witty, bantering tale on the surface, but in depth a cruel bombast against the ignoramuses of his times.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Candide has reason only in the form of a companion upon which he relies for advice. His companion is Dr. Pangloss. He consistently dribbles to Dr. Pangloss about what should be done. Eventually Pangloss is killed by being hanged. But this means that Candide's reason is also dead! Candide goes and finds a new companion, "Lacking him [Pangloss], let's consult the old woman" (37). He soon loses her, gains another, looses him, and then gains another. Thus we see that Candide can only think if he has a companion. Voltaire is thus saying that all the nobles are really idiots and says they are only sma...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Essay -- Business Management

Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Biography of Douglas McGregor Douglas McGregor was born on 1906 in Detroit, America. In 1895, it was here that his grandfather, Thomas McGregor started his business and given its name as, McGregor Institute. The business provides assistance to Great Lakes sailors and other transient labour. The Institute provided shelter, warmth and food to approximately 100 men every year. When Thomas McGregor passed away, his son Murray McGregor (Douglas’s father) continued to manage the business. During high school, Douglas McGregor worked as a night clerk and played the piano and organ at the chapel services. At work, he became familiar with the employees and their problems. In 1936, McGregor Institute came to an end and it was sold for $100,000 to the Goodwill Industries. After high school, McGregor went to Oberlin College and then attended to Wayne University, where he had graduated in 1932. While at college, he was married and left his college work for about five years to save enough money to start a family. McGregor began as a gasoline station attendant in Buffalo and quickly progressed to district manager of stations in the Detroit region. In 1935, he received a PhD degree from Harvard University in Experimental Psychology. McGregor was a brilliant student at Harvard that; he achieved an A grade in every course. After his graduation from Harvard University, he became a Professor of Psychology and taught there f...

The Yellow Wall Paper :: Literary Analysis, Gilman, Abcarian, Klotz

The Yellow Wall Paper â€Å"The Yellow Wall Paper† is the story about a journey of a woman who is suffering from a nervous breakdown, descending into madness through her â€Å"rest cure† treatment. Basically, the woman is not allowed to read, write or to see her new-born baby. Charlotte Perkins Gilman captures the essence of this journey into madness by using the first person narration. The story plot’s is by taking the reader through the horrors of one woman’s neurosis to make strong statements about the oppression faced by women in their marriage roles. The narrator’s mental condition is characterized by her meeting with the wallpaper in her room. In addition to the story’s plot, the use of symbolism and irony throughout her story also show how males dominate during her time. From â€Å"Literature: The Human Experience† written by Abcarian and Klotz, â€Å"Irony is figurative language in which the intended meaning differs from the literal meaning† (1615). There is more than one level of irony at work in this story. Dramatic irony occurs when a reader or audience know things a character does not and, consequently, sees things differently (Abcarian & Klotz 1615). Gilman uses dramatic irony when the narrator states, â€Å"I’m feeling so much better† (Gilman 1005) as if the narrator believe that she is normal, but when she states â€Å"I think that woman gets out in the daytime! And I’ll tell you why-privately- I’ve seen her!† (Gilman 1006), the reader knows that she is actually going in sane. It is dramatic irony because the reader‘s understanding of the narrator’s speeches is different markedly from the narrator’s. Through this dramatic irony, Gilman has let the reader knows how complete seclusion can only add to the desolation and push people to the verge of insanity. The order of â€Å"rest cure† treatment may symbolize her husband’s love towards her, but ironically it makes her condition worse. This plot symbolizes how women were oppressed and dominated by their husbands and they had no place for self expression. When the narrator states, â€Å"I can see her out of my windows! I see her in that long shaded lane, creeping up and down. I see her in those dark grape arbors, creeping all around the garden† (Gilman 1006). The reader knows there is no actual woman trapped behind the wallpaper; in fact this is a hallucination that seems to be caused by forced isolation as part of her treatment.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Factors Which Affect Decision Implementation Essay

Correct decisions, the two previous papers elaborately developed, can be arrived at only if the requisite process of ponderously putting many influencing factors in perspective is observed. Since errors in decision-making can end up being costly both for the company and its stakeholders alike, it has been seen that the use of critical thinking has proven to be essential in guiding decision makers in choosing the best options that will generate best results. But if one were to think that arriving at a logical and well-thought out decision ends the entire process of decision-making, one definitely takes the dangerous path of frustrating the process all together. A correct decision, one may argue, only proves to be beneficial to a company or organization when its implementation would translate the rigors of critical analyses into tangible results. Langdon, if only to mention, argues along the same line of thought. He maintains, â€Å"Decision makers will never leave the point of the decision without thinking about the steps necessary to implement the decision successfully† (Langdon, 2001, p. 15). Ethical Implications and Other Factors Affecting Implementation of Decision The previous discussion was able to zero in on the viable options that may gleaned from the map drawn to help BAE Systems establish greater presence in the island of Kava. It may be wise to be reminded of the decisions that were suggested hitherto: first, the company needs not only to â€Å"sustain its existing accounts, but also to set up new client-accounts done through aggressive advertisement and in-shore sales campaign† so as to ensure that the â€Å"sale of its products is commensurate with its desired expansion rate†; second, it needs to see through the â€Å"creation of an efficient and result-generating human workforce†; and third, it also is imperative that it should â€Å"create a larger warehouse, if not an adjacent processing plant in the island, so as to meet the demands of the market† It is noteworthy to mention that there are certain risks attached to the cited options. The purpose why the last paper identified them is to further inform the decision maker of the resulting benefits and costs that must be anticipated in the event of making the decision. However, to outline the varying factors that may affect th e implementation of any decision – which, if only to mention, concerns greatly the company and its stakeholders – is another area that must also be carefully looked at. Surely, the three above-cited options will generate ebbs of impact for the company in general. Two major factors can determine the success of the implementation of the suggested paths: the internal coherence of the decision itself, and the external receptivity of the stakeholders involved. The first factor pertains to the logic from which any decision is drawn; and this has already constituted a large portion of the previous studies. Every decision, if only to repeat, is arrived at after a ponderous circumscription of the problems at hand, and the generous gathering of facilitative facts to throw light into one’s judgment. If the problems were well stated, chances are, the solutions are going to be suited. The next factor is however different. This time, one has to consider other areas that affect the success rate of the decision. Roozen, De Pelsmacker and Bostyn have identified some of them: â€Å"the influence of stakeholders, organizational commitment, personal values, goals of the organization and socio demographic characteristics of individuals†, among others (2001, p. 87). In the light of the three suggested decision paths for BAE Systems, what Roozen (and company) points are certainly of paramount importance. For instance, since the company’s goal to establish a greater presence in Kava is heavily dependent on the expansion of its new sales accounts, the decision to equally expand the workforce and to create newer intra-island processing plants must be leveled against the impact such will have on the stakeholders – e. g. , will the company owners allow for an increased budget allocation to defray the expansion cost? , will the company managers be willing to oversee difficult but potential market areas within the island? , will the commitment of the newly hired sales representative be aggressive enough to meet expectations? , or will the vision of the company itself be willing to risk so much for a return of investment which will come later on? It is very important to note that BAE Systems’ vision is intricately knitted with the amount of available resources the company has, or is willing to risk for investment purposes. One way or another, the welfare of both the company and its stakeholders is the friction force that shall determine how fast or slow the implementation of the decisions pertinent to BAE Systems’ expansion in Kava island would be. Key to the company’s success in Kava is also anchored on the ethical implications the decisions have on its stakeholders. In order to clarify the moral basis for sticking into a decision, Rodgers and Gago has sought to identify many differing ethical motives in a study they conducted. They suggest that there are at least six â€Å"pathways† that justify, and thus serve a basis for a particular decision to be pursued: â€Å"psychological egoism, deontology, relativist, utilitarian, virtue ethics, and ethics of care philosophy† (Rodgers & Gago, 2001, pp. 358-359). Without having to go through their respective details, it may be good to note that the suggested options for BAE Systems are largely motivated by the â€Å"utilitarian† pathway. What does this mean? This means that the company which seeks to expand a venture must be seen primarily in terms of its ability to survive the risk. Thus, in a utilitarian approach, the company is more defined by a ‘consequentialist’ attitude in decision-making policies, in that it tries to see to it that any decision would generate the â€Å"greatest good (for) the greatest number of people† (Rodgers & Gago, 2001, p. 359). Conclusion One may properly recall that, in the Business Scenario, Alex once quipped that economics is what drives the company to further expand its presence in an island of Kava. In many ways, what he said was correct, if not telling. The overarching reason why one needs to surmount the seemingly impossible difficulties, by identifying all the contributing factors relative to the company’s vision, is indeed driven by economics. But having economics alone as the moving force behind the desired expansion of a certain company may not capture the entire picture. Any decision driven by economics therefore, one must remember, must also be tempered by the opportunities it creates for the involved stakeholders, and the ethical implications it generates seen from their perspective. Critical thinking, as always, can always help ensure that these seemingly non-economic aspects of doing business are given their due importance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Exercise Concept Check Essay

An equation is a number sentence that says that the expressions on each side of the equals sign represent the akin number. An expression may be utilise to designate a value these chiffonier be versatiles, operations, and or functions. Using algebraical expression, there is no equal sign, simply operations. You can simplify an expression not solve it. lineage General crinkleWeek 1Ethics in Cost Control . (Exercise 1-9) Zoya Arbiser, regional private instructor of Gold Medal Sports Shops, is reviewing the results of 15 stores in her region. submit theatre directors are moved annually. separately store managers income is rattling dependent on the direct persona margin of that store. For the past course, shop 9 has been managed by a person who has operated several(prenominal)(prenominal) other profitable stores in young yrs and is about to be promoted to a larger store. Zoya notices several items that bother her. throw in 9 has close no force training expenses relativ e to other stores. salt away 9 has stopped participating in numerous community events that gave the store satisfying visibility but did incur developed expenses.Store 6, where this store manager worked the introductory year, has had a severe drop in profits due to higher in operation(p) expenses.The advertising budget was spent most entirely in the first cardinal months of the year, with almost nothing spent in the last several months.Discuss a possible negative managerial scenario that the regional manager may be sensing. index the manager of Store 9 be an exceptional manager? What are the good implications of the scenario? What is the regional managers ethical responsibility in this scenario? Explain and second your positionwith evidence from the text. Your initial localise should be 200 to 250 words.Fixed and variable Costs . (Chapter 1 DiFor downloading more var. tutorials visit https// participating in student governing until your second y ear in college. Freshmen views arent typically hard valued by student government organizations. You can use your freshman year to learn about campus politics and take hold of what role youd like to feed in them.Business General BusinessWeek 1Ethics in Cost Control . (Exercise 1-9) Zoya Arbiser, regional manager of Gold Medal Sports Shops, is reviewing the results of 15 stores in her region. Store managers are moved annually. all(prenominal) store managers income is real dependent on the direct plowshare margin of that store. For the past year, Store 9 has been managed by a person who has operated several other profitable stores in upstart years and is about to be promoted to a larger store. Zoya notices several items that bother her.Store 9 has almost no force training expenses relative to other stores.Store 9 has stopped participating in numerous community events that gave the store remarkable visibility but did incur corporeal expenses.Store 6, where this store manager worked the forward year, has had a severe drop in profits due to higher operational expenses.The advertising budget was spent almost entirely in the first quadruplet months of the year, with almost nothing spent in the last several months.Discuss a possible negative managerial scenario that the regional manager may be sensing. ability the manager of Store 9 be an exceptional manager? Whatare the ethical implications of the scenario? What is the regional managers ethical responsibility in this scenario? Explain and embody your position with evidence from the text. Your initial daub should be 200 to 250 words.Fixed and multivariate Costs . (Chapter 1 Discussion motility 9(a)) Controller, Judy Koch, in a recent tongue said, I rarely see a real variable cost or a truly fixed cost. What did she entertain? Include in your response an bill of the difference in behavior of variable and fixed cost, including an example to illustrate your explanation. Your initial post should be 20 0 to 250 words.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.